Reimagining Rockdale: Strategic Planning Wrap-Up Town Hall Event
For Immediate Release
November 22, 2023
ROCKDALE COUNTY, Ga. – The Rockdale County Board of Commissioners’ Office is hosting a Reimagine Rockdale Together Strategic Planning Town Hall Event on Wednesday, November 29, 2023, from 5:30 P.M. – 7:00 P.M. at C.E. Steele Community Center located at 1040 Oakland Ave. SE, Conyers, GA 30012.
Residents and stakeholders have participated in community strategic planning drop-in events (Visioning and Building the Strategy), surveys, and presentations throughout 2023 to develop the future of Rockdale County together. This wrap-up event highlights insights and survey results provided by Rockdale residents and other community stakeholders that support the County’s strategic direction.
The Reimagine Rockdale Together Strategic Planning Event will be an engaging and innovative experience. This wrap-up event activates the next step in our collective journey toward establishing a more vibrant, resilient, and sustainable future for Rockdale County.
For more information about the Reimagine Rockdale Together Strategic Planning process, please visit
Info Session 2023
Info Session 2023 from Rockdale County on Vimeo.
Rockbridge Road Re-Opening
Rockbridge Road Re-Opening from Rockdale County on Vimeo.
For Immediate Release
Nov. 15, 2022
Contact: Melisa Mims, Director
Department of Public Relations
(770) 278-7013
Rockbridge Road Bridge Ribbon Cutting
ROCKDALE COUNTY, Ga. – Rockdale County Department of Transportation is holding a ribbon cutting for
the newly replaced Rockbridge Road Bridge. The ribbon cutting will take place on Dec. 9, 2022, at 10 a.m. on
Rockbridge Road, Lake Capri Bridge.
The Lake Capri Bridge project used SPLOST dollars for its completion; approximately $1.8 million dollars of
SPLOST funds went to completing the bridge. Brian Kelley, Director of Transportation, says “Rockdale
Department of Transportation is proud to celebrate the completion of this eagerly anticipated project. The
reopening of the Rockbridge Road Bridge is a great example of “Your SPLOST Dollar at Work” and effective
This portion of Rockbridge Road has been closed for two years as a safety precaution due to the failure of the
north bridge abutment; a structure that connects the ends of the bridge and the foundation. After replacing the
structures, the bridge will be accessible following the ribbon cutting for members of the community.
For more information, please contact Rockdale Department of Transportation at (770)278-7200.
Volunteers Needed for Rivers Alive Cleanup
ROCKDALE COUNTY, Ga. – (September 16, 2022) Volunteers are needed for a Rivers Alive community waterway cleanup planned for Saturday, October 8 at Pine Log Park from 9:00AM – 12: 00PM.
The cleanup is sponsored by Rockdale County and the City of Conyers governments. Volunteers will be provided with gloves, safety vests, masks, water, and will receive a free t-shirt. “Conyers Walmart Store #2475 is a proud supporter of cleanup efforts in donating funds for supplies.”
The cleanup begins at 9:00AM, Volunteers should access Pine Log Park via the park’s entrance at 1451 Pine Log Road, where they will check in with staff and receive instructions. Stormwater tax credits are available for participating city and county residents.
“We welcome individuals, families, organizations, and anyone interested in volunteering some time to clean up a waterway in our community,” said Stormwater Manager Melissa Staton. “This is a great way to give back while making waterways that run through our community healthier.”
For more information and to sign up, contact Melissa Staton at 770-929-4298 or or Klon Waldrip at More information about Rivers Alive is available at
Gwinnett | Newton | Rockdale
(Lawrenceville, Ga., Sept. 6, 2022) – Three county commission chairpersons recently got together with one goal – to sustain and strengthen bonds in public health, mental health and communications.
Gwinnett County Chairwoman Nicole Hendrickson planted the seeds for the idea of what’s now named the Tri-County Collaboration Meeting. The inaugural event, hosted by Rockdale County Chairman Oz Nesbitt, also included Newton County Chairman Marcello Banes, GNR Public Health Director Audrey Arona, M.D. and View Point Health Director Jennifer Hibbard.
“This collaborative – which unites us through a shared public health and mental health district – allows us to talk about strategies, successes, and common barriers, so we can forge solutions together,” said Hendrickson. “I am committed to strengthening this partnership with my neighboring counties because it will ultimately enhance the services for residents in this district.”
“Collaborative discussions and networking have always been important and ongoing between Rockdale, Newton and Gwinnett Counties,” said Nesbitt. “The culmination of our joint efforts further solidifies our shared vision toward a unified understanding and commitment for coordinated, focused public health and mental health initiatives for our citizens; a strategic review and implementation of business development plans that positively support our communities’ growth; as well as our commitment to a purposeful, dynamic understanding of the impact of future transportation, transit and housing needs.”
“I’m excited to participate in this partnership, and I will continue to build a strong relationship with Chairman Oz Nesbitt, Chairwoman Nicole Hendrickson and Rockdale and Gwinnett Counties,” said Banes. “This will be great for our communities and our region as we continue to push forward together.”
A few key takeaways from the meeting include:
Mental Health
View Point Health was successful with its co-responder model in both Gwinnett and Newton Counties. When a call comes in about a person experiencing a mental health crisis, a mental licensed clinician and police officer will both respond to the scene. This model has been adopted by several cities within the County. As a result, 98 percent of patients have been diverted from jail to get the care they need.
COVID-19 and Monkeypox
Talks also centered around COVID-19, with 24/7 PCR Test vending machines being established across the three counties. Arona said the Omicron-adapted booster will be available in September.
Concerning Monkeypox, Arona stated that misinformation about the viral disease has caused widespread panic. She said the virus is typically spread through direct, prolonged skin-to-skin contact to someone with exposed lesions. Both Newton County Schools reported their first case in late August.
NARCAN and the OPIOID Crisis
A number of overdose cases have been reported across the districts. As a result, View Point Health has been working with law enforcement officers to administer NARCAN in emergencies. The nasal spray works as an OPIOID antagonist and can be lifesaving.
The next Tri-County Collaboration meeting will take place in Gwinnett County.

Rockdale County Board of Assessors to Offer Extended Office Hours
For Immediate Release
February 3, 2022
ROCKDALE COUNTY, GA. – Rockdale County Board of Assessors is offering extended hours on Sat., March 26, 2022 from 8 a.m. – Noon at their offices, located at 981 Milstead Ave., Conyers, GA 30012.
“We owe it to the citizens of Rockdale County to be as accessible as possible to ensure they are able to ask questions regarding their property assessments and exemptions. We realize the need to sometimes do things outside of the scope of our daily operations to assist those who cannot get to our office during normal business hours. Our goal is to put citizens first with an emphasis on our seniors,” Will Barkley, Board of Assessors Chairman said.
The deadline for filing for Homestead Exemption is April 1st every year. To be eligible for Homestead Exemption, you must own and reside in the property as your primary residence prior to January 1 of the tax year. Upon filing, you must have a Georgia driver’s license or Georgia ID with the property address for which you are applying for the exemption. Proof of residency includes water, gas or electric bills, car registration and/or voter’s registration prior to January 1 of the taxable year.
For more information, contact the Board of Assessors Office at 770-278-7676.
Citizens Input Sought
For Immediate Release
February 4, 2022
ROCKDALE COUNTY, Ga. – On Tuesday, January 25, 2022, the Rockdale County Board of Commissioners approved a resolution to create a new public facilities authority to help facilitate its plan for future growth.
As mentioned previously, the authority will provide the County, the School District and the City of Conyers with an additional method of financing government projects. Bonds issued by the authority will have the lowest possible interest rates and cost of issuance. The authority can raise capital to be used in the acquisition, design, and construction of public facilities. The County is limited by the Georgia Constitution in its ability to contractually commit expenditures of public funds beyond one year. A public facilities authority can commit expenditures up to 40 years. This arrangement also keeps ownership of these facilities within public entities.
Creating a public facilities authority requires an act of the Georgia legislature. The intent is to have the legislation approved during the 2022 Georgia General Assembly, which is currently in session.
Citizens are encouraged to attend one of the three virtual public information sessions to gain additional information, insight and knowledge about the proposed legislation involving the public facilities authority.
- Session 1: Wednesday, February 16 at 6 p.m.
- Session 2: Thursday, February 17 at 6 p.m.
- Session 3: Saturday, February 19 at 10 a.m.
Any person wishing to speak during these virtual sessions is requested to register in advance by contacting the Rockdale County Department of Public Relations via email ( by 5 p.m. the day before the session in which said person would like to speak.
For more information contact Jennifer Rutledge, Executive Director of Legislative Affairs at 770-278-7009.

Rockdale County Reflects Upon the “Black Church Experience” During February 2022’s Black History Month
For Immediate Release
February 1, 2022
Rockdale County Reflects Upon the “Black Church Experience” During February 2022’s Black History Month
ROCKDALE COUNTY, Ga. – Throughout the month of February, the Rockdale County Board of Commissioners invites citizens to humbly reflect upon the “Black Church Experience” via its presentation of unique stories, insights into the historical significance of the Black Church within our community, and presentations from local Pastors and Praise and Worship teams.
A 3-part docuseries will be presented on Rockdale 23 (Comcast cable channel 23) and will be shared on all Rockdale County social media platforms with the handle: RockdaleGov beginning February 1, 2022. Viewers can watch the videos on demand at: or on Rockdale 23 YouTube. The docuseries will highlight the significant contributions the Black Church has made to the community, and feature brief conversations with members of the clergy, community leaders and citizens sharing their unique stories and insights into what the Black Church means to them. The docuseries release dates are:
- February 1 – Episode 1, The History of the Black Church
- February 8 – Episode 2, Praise and Worship in the Black Church
- February 15 – Episode 3, The Role of Ushers in the Black Church
Additionally, throughout the period of February 22 – February 24, 2022, additional presentations of the “Black Church Experience” will include featured presentations from local Pastors and Praise and Worship teams held at 7 p.m. in the Rockdale Auditorium. This event will be free and open to the public. Additional details will be provided as the dates approach.