+1 (770) 278-7000

Departmental Information Session

Info Session 2023 from Rockdale County on Vimeo.

In 2023, Info sessions were held; however, due to low attendance, the format was changed to recorded educational videos of department spotlights. Citizens can view the videos on the the Rockdale 23 YouTube Channel and Rockdale County on Vimeo.

Departmental Information Sessions were lecture-style open forums where departments presented general department information to citizens.

In addition to being held in person, the sessions were live-streamed to the Rockdale County website at rockdalecountyga.gov, the Official Rockdale County Facebook Page at facebook.com/RockdaleGov, and the Rockdale 23 YouTube Channel.

At these sessions, Rockdale County department representatives shared information with the community to give insight into what the department did and how it served them. Attendees were also able to participate in a Q&A session following the presentation. A month before each session, a Department Spotlight video was shared via Rockdale County social media channels and Rockdale 23 as another avenue to learn about the departments. These meetings were open to the public, and the public was strongly encouraged to attend. Those who were interested in CGA were also strongly encouraged to attend.

For more information, please contact the Public Relations Office at 770-278-7050 or email publicrelations@rockdalecountyga.gov.

Past Info Sessions 

Proposed Millage Web Booklet
Budget Information 2025
BioLab Incident Resource Guide
Transit Development Plan Survey
Reimagine Rockdale
Rockdale Economic Development
UGA Extension