Chairman, Will Barkley
Department Menu
Board of Assessors
The Rockdale County Board of Assessors has the answers to questions about property appraisal and assessment in Rockdale County. A large portion of the operating revenues needed for Rockdale County comes from the taxation of privately held property. The Rockdale County Commissioners, the Rockdale County School System, and the city of Conyers City Council set millage rates against the assessed value of property to determine the amount of taxes owed.
The Board of Assessors mission is to assure that all properties in Rockdale County are valued equitable and uniform while serving our customers with excellence.
Public Notice:
Attention Property Owners
Notice to Property Owners & Occupants:
- Beginning January 1, 2011 all property owners will receive an assessment notice regardless of value change. As a courtesy the Board of Assessors will send a copy of the notice electronically.
- To receive an electronic notice the owner must submit a written request. All representatives making a request must submit authorization with request.
- The Board of Assessors meetings are held the first (General Meeting) and third (Work Session) Thursday each month at 958 Milstead Ave. Suite 101 at 10 a.m.
- In accordance with Georgia law (OCGA 48-5-264.1) please be advised that staff of the Board of Assessors periodically conducts field checks to update property records.
- The staff will also conduct field visits to property owners that have obtained a building permit, filed an application for homestead, parcel combination, parcel split, conservation use, appeal or property tax return.
- All staff members performing visits are issued Rockdale County ID badges, county vehicle and County uniforms.
- The staff will not need to enter the home unless the property owner had made the request.
If you have any questions about the identity of a staff member do not hesitate to contact our office at 770-278-7676 or email at boa@rockdalecountyga.gov.
If you would like a representative of the office to speak to your homeowner’s association please contact Will Barkley at will.barkley@rockdalecountyga.gov
Latest Updates
Board of Assessors 2025 Meeting Schedule
Rockdale County Board of Assessors Meeting Schedule for 2025 – Rockdale County Board of Assessors (BOA) holds recurring meetings every 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 10 a.m. These meetings are open to the public, and Rockdale County recommends citizens attend. All meetings are held at 958 Milstead Ave. Suite 101, Conyers, GA. 30012 in the BOA Conference Room.
The schedule for 2025 will be as follows
General Meetings | Work Sessions |
January 2 | January 16 |
February 6 | February 20 |
March 6 | March 20 |
April 3 | April 17 |
May 1 | May 15 |
June 5 | June 19 |
July 3 | July 17 |
August 7 | August 21 |
September 4 | September 18 |
October 2 | October 16 |
November 6 | November 20 |
December 4 | December 18 |
The Board of Assessors is charged with the annual valuation of all property in Rockdale County (real estate and personal).
The policy of the Board of Assessors is to send ALL initial Assessment Notices via U.S. Postal Service.
Beginning January 1, 2011, an owner may also receive a copy of their Assessment Notice electronically as a courtesy. The owner must sign and date a written request to the Board of Assessors and All representatives of property owners must present letters of authorization before a request for an electronic Assessment Notice can be completed.
The Board of Assessors
958 Milstead Ave, Suite 101
(mail not received at this address)
P.O. Box 562
Conyers, GA 30012
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Monday through Friday
Telephone: (770) 278-7676
Fax: (770) 278-8906
To Request Property Information: