+1 (770) 278-7000

Early Voting – by Mail

Citizens may cast an Absentee Ballot by Mail or In-Person during the Absentee Voting Period.  A voter who chooses to cast a ballot during the Absentee Voting Period is not required to provide a reason why he/she is voting Absentee.

Absentee Voting by Mail:

How to Request a Mail Absentee Ballot – 6/18/24 Democratic Primary & Nonpartisan Runoff Election CLICK HERE

Voters may submit a request for an Absentee Ballot by mail as early as 78 days before an election but no later than the 11 days prior to Election Day.  Absentee Ballot Applications are available at the Voter Registration Office, or can be downloaded and printed by clicking https://sos.ga.gov/how-to-guide/how-guide-voting

Military/Physical Disabled/65 Years or Older Voters: 
Voters may choose to submit one application and receive a ballot for all elections to be held during the year. Voters are reminded to make sure to check the box requesting all ballots on the application.

Overseas/Uniformed Services Voters:
Georgia residents serving in the Uniformed Services or residing overseas may register to vote and vote in Georgia with the use of a Federal Postcard Application (FPCA).

Who is a Uniformed Services Voter?
A Uniformed Services voter is a U.S. citizen who is a member of (or the spouse or dependent of a member of) the:
• Uniformed Services (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard);
• Merchant marine;
• Commissioned corps of the Public Health Service; and
• National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Note: A member of the National Guard or Reserve Unit is considered a Uniformed Services voter under UOCAVA if the voter is newly activated and mobilized and will be away from his/her residence on a more permanent basis. A member in this situation can register to vote using the FPCA.

If a voter falls under the category of an Overseas or Uniformed Services Voter, follow this link to the Overseas/Uniformed Services Voters Secretary of State Website, then follow the instructions for registering and requesting an Absentee Ballot by Mail.

Where to Send Absentee Ballot Requests:
Board of Elections and Voter Registration
1115 West Avenue, SW
Conyers, GA  30012

Phone: (770) 278-7333
Fax: (770) 278-8946

Email: absentee@rockdalecountyga.gov

How to Return a Voted Absentee Ballot:
Absentee ballots may be returned via:
USPS Mail or Express Delivery (Postage Needed)
Personal Delivery to our Office (No Postage Needed)

Ballots can be mailed or delivered to the address listed above.

All Ballots Must Be Returned No Later Than 7:00 pm Election Day.

UOCAVA Voted Ballots must be Postmarked by Election Day and received by the Friday after the Election.



Office Hours:
8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Monday through Friday


Telephone: (770) 278-7333
Fax 770-278-8946



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