+1 (770) 278-7000

Public Relations Forms

If you would like to make a request for a ceremonial document or special appearance by members of the Rockdale County Board of Commissioners, please follow the appropriate link below and complete the request form.

Ceremonial Document Guidelines

Rockdale County Government Ceremonial Document and Proclamation Request Guidelines

Ceremonial documents (i.e. proclamations, congratulatory letters and certificates of appreciation) are provided by the Rockdale County Board of Commissioners (BOC) as a courtesy to honor and celebrate County residents, businesses and nonprofits, and raise awareness of significant issues pertaining to County citizens. The Rockdale County Department of Public Relations reserves the right to decline any ceremonial document request that is incomplete or not consistent with the guidelines. Ceremonial documents are strictly honorary, not legally binding, and generally issued for:

  • Arts and cultural celebrations within Rockdale County
  • Milestone birthdays (80+) with increments of 5 years thereafter
  • Nonprofit organizations (significant achievements or milestones)
  • Public awareness campaigns
  • Special honors
  • Wedding, church or pastoral anniversaries (25+) with increments of 5 years thereafter

The issuance of a ceremonial document does not constitute an endorsement by the Rockdale County BOC. Requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and must be approved by the Public Relations Director. Multiple requests by the same organization will not be honored within the same calendar year. No ceremonial documents may be used in advertisements or commercial promotions without permission from the Department of Public Relations and/or BOC Office. The BOC will not sign documents that are not originally produced by Rockdale County. Organizations do not have exclusive rights to the day, week or month of their proclamation. Up to three signed copies of any proclamation can be issued per group, pending approval. Ceremonial documents are not automatically renewed.

Ceremonial documents and proclamations will be granted for:

  • Community events or activities for the public majority that raise awareness
  • Special observances for significant milestones – for individuals and organizations
  • Other occasions the Rockdale County BOC deems appropriate

Ceremonial documents typically will not be issued for:

  • Matters of political controversy, ideological or religious beliefs, or individual convictions
  • People, events or organizations with no direct relationship to Rockdale County Government
  • Campaigns or events contrary to County policies
  • Retirements (with the exception of Rockdale County Government employees)
  • Deceased individuals
  • Individuals or organizations making multiple requests within the same calendar year
  • Commercial purposes (i.e. the opening of a new business, a new service or product)
  • Backdated proclamations
  • Organizations with representatives who are unable to demonstrate he or she has been selected to make requests on that organization’s behalf


Rockdale County strongly encourages residents and organizations to submit the Ceremonial Document Request Form with supporting documentation 4-6 weeks in advance of the requested date. Requestors must list on the Request Form their preference of receiving ceremonial documents. If less than two weeks notice (four weeks for presentations at BOC meetings) is given, the Public Relations Department reserves the right to decline the request. Requests should be emailed, mailed or hand delivered. Due to the volume of requests we receive, we are unable to honor phone requests. Individuals and organizations are responsible for confirming the Public Relations Department receives the Request Form and all supporting documentation.

Following Receipt of the Request Form:

  • The Public Relations Department, on behalf of the BOC, will notify the requestor of the status of their request via email or phone
  • The BOC will issue the ceremonial document to the individual or organization (including individual recipients) at no cost
  • Rockdale County Public Relations reserves the right to edit or revise any draft language submitted


Ceremonial Document Request

The form must be completed in its entirety to develop documents

In order to process this request, Rockdale County Department of Public Relations must receive all supporting information IN WRITING, including supporting documentation, to create a ceremonial document. A minimum two-week notice is required.

All request pending approval of PR Director

Please read the Ceremonial Document Request Guidelines completely before completing this form. Ceremonial documents can also be requested by filling out the printable form here and/or emailing it to publicrelations@rockdalecountyga.gov.

Special Appearance Request Form

If you would like to request the appearance of the Chairman or Board Member at your event, please fill out the form below. Please submit the request at least 2-4 weeks prior to the date of the event. All requests will be reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis and will be fulfilled depending on the Board Member’s prior schedule.

The form must be completed in its entirety for consideration. Click here for Special Appearance Request Form


958 Milstead Ave.
Conyers, GA 30012

Office Hours:
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Monday through Friday


Telephone: (770) 278-7050



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