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Road Maintenance
The Rockdale Department of Transportation is responsible for the maintenance of all county roads including more than 500 miles of roads, streets, bridges, sidewalks and more. In addition to routine pothole repairs, the department oversees the implementation of the Resurfacing and Pavement Maintenance Programs. Click here to see a list of roads currently scheduled to undergo rehabilitation and preservation in Rockdale County.
The Road Resurfacing Program provides for a variety of pavement maintenance techniques including resurfacing, patching, milling, leveling, hot-mix recycling and occasionally full reconstruction in order to improve the condition of the pavement. Another technique that will be employed will be Full-Depth Recycling, which involves pulverizing the existing pavement and base material to provide a stable base on which a new asphalt overlay is applied. These techniques greatly improve the condition of the pavement and minimize or eliminate the need for full pavement reconstruction which is extremely expensive. Much of the County’s Resurfacing Program is funded through the Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST). Some additional road resurfacing has been approved as part of the Georgia Department of Transportation’s Local Maintenance and Improvement Grant Program (LMIG).
The Pavement Maintenance Program uses a variety of pavement treatment techniques based on the Pavement Condition Index Ratings (PCI) to improve pavements that are generally in poor condition to fair condition, thereby extending the life of the pavement and reducing long-term maintenance costs. The PCI provides a snapshot of the pavement health of a road. It is measured on a scale of 0 to 100 (where 100 means a newly paved road), and many factors affect a cities or county’s PCI score. These include pavement age, climate and precipitation, traffic loads, and available maintenance funding.
In cases where RDOT must construct a new road or expand an existing two-lane road, many factors must be considered with safety and cost being at the top of the list. In recent years, increased inflation has ballooned prices in the construction industry and naturally many residents are focused on the quality of road infrastructure in their area.
Road Construction Estimates
Disclaimer: These models are generic in nature, and not based on actual construction projects. Preliminary Engineering, Right-of-Way, and Utility relocation costs will vary on a case-by-case basis. The examples below are for reference purposes only and are not intended to predict or support future estimates.
• New Construction – Rural 2 lane with 5’ paved shoulder per mile cost – $7M/mile
• New Construction – Rural 4-lane conversion from 2 lanes with 20’raised median per mile cost – $10M/mile
• New Construction – Urban 4-lane two-way’ with left turn lane conversion from 2 lanes per mile cost – $8-10M/mile
The Rockdale County Transportation Department is responsible for a myriad of county road work including but not limited to:
- Pothole Repairs
- Patching
- Crack Sealing
- Shoulder Maintenance
- Maintenance, Scraping and Gravel Replacement on County Unpaved Roads
- Side Walk, Curb and Gutter Repair
- Tree and Debris Removal From County Right of Way
- Deceased Deer, Dog, or Cat Removal From County Right of Way
- Mowing and Trimming of County Right of Way
- Traffic Signal Repair and Maintenance
- Traffic Sign Repair, Replacement and Maintenance
- Pavement Markings
- RPM Replacement
- 24-Hour, On-Call Staff for Emergencies (accident assistance, inclement weather and natural)
Submitting Service Requests:
To submit a service request please do the following:
1. Download a Service Request Form
2. Complete the form and save your changes
3. Email the completed form to
Note: If you complete the form before you download it, your changes will not be saved.
Click here for Unpaved County Road Petition
Conyers, GA 30012 Office Hours: 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Monday through Friday
(Emergency services provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.)
Deputy Director William F. Brown
(770) 278-7132
Wes Brown, Field Operations Manager
phone number (770) 278-7221
For concerns within the City of Conyers contact the City of Conyers Department of Public Works and Transportation at 770-785-6690.
For concerns along State Roadways, contact the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) at 770-216-3810 for GDOT/District 7 Customer Service Contact information
*This department NO LONGER provides the removal/burial of horses or cows per ordinance change dated May 7, 2013.

Rockdale County Department of Transportation
2570 Old Covington Highway S.W.
Conyers, GA30012
Office Hours:
7:00 am - 4:00 pm
Monday through Friday
Telephone: (770) 278-7200
Fax: (770) 785-6909