Department Menu
Can you fill my pool?
No, we do not perform that service.
Can you get my cat out of the tree?
No, but you can call Georgia Cat in Tree Rescue at 770-461-2778.
Do you have car seats?
No, we do not provide car seats. If you need a car seat inspection, call Meredith Hutcheson at 404-416-5547 to make an appointment.
How do I get a fire report for insurance?
Please email
How do I get a 911/ CAD/ open records report?
Please email
Can I bring my child for a tour?
Please contact:
Jasmyne Johnson, Senior Fire Safety Educator
I want a fire truck for my party/ parade/ community event. How do I schedule it?
Please contact:
Jasmyne Johnson, Senior Fire Safety Educator
Do you do blood pressure checks?
Yes, your local station will check your blood pressure if they are in quarters.
How do I request a fire inspection for my business?
Complete the fire inspection request form under documents and email it to FireMarshal@RockdaleCountyGa.Gov . Someone will contact you within 24 hours (except weekends & holidays) to schedule
Fire Rescue Service and Programs
- RCFR Fire Plan Review and Permitting
- Children’s Safety and Fire Education (SAFE)
- Senior Citizens File for Life
- Smoke Alarm inspection and replacement
Free Smoke Alarms
Nearly 4,000 Americans die every year in residential fires. Smoke alarms can provide your family with crucial early warning time to get out of the house quickly before toxic fumes accumulate to lethal levels. A working smoke alarm can double your chance of surviving a fire in the home.
RCFR Citizens’ Fire Academy
The Citizens Fire Academy is a free program that offers participants an inside look at the fire service profession. This program will allow citizens to get a behind-the-scenes view of how the department operates and responds. Classes will include: organization of the department, fire ground operations, extrication, fire inspections and investigations, hiring process, fire safety, hazardous-materials response, firefighter training and special operations.
Participants will have the opportunity to participate in hands-on drills. They will consist of but are not limited to: wearing firefighter turn out gear with self-contained breathing apparatus, setting up equipment for a hazardous materials decontamination line, using extrication tools and participating in firefighter training scenarios that will require climbing ladders and crawling through mazes. At the end of the 10 weeks, citizens will not only have learned the duties of a firefighter, but also valuable fire and life safety information on what to do in emergency situations.
The program is limited to 20 participants. Participants must be 18 years of age or older, have no prior felony conviction, pass an acceptable background check, sign a liability waiver and be a resident of Rockdale County. Participants must be willing to make a 10-week commitment to the program.

Fire Department Address
1496 Rockbridge Road NW
Conyers, GA 30012
Fire Department Headquarters
Telephone: (770) 278-8401
Outdoor Burning Information
(770) 278-8402
Outdoor Burning Permitting
(877) 652-2876
(770) 278-8930
Useful Links
United States Fire Administration for Kids
“They will teach you about fire safety!”
Sparky the Fire Dog